What if I’m Not a World Changer?

We all want our lives to be an epic story in which we are the hero or heroine. There is something exhilarating in the notion that, to quote J.R.R. Tolkien, “Even the smallest person can change the course of the future.” Every generation of youth catches this idealistic fever and believes that it is their turn to change the world. And Christian young people (my generation), not wanting to be left out, have made the power of the Gospel the fuel they are going to use to set the world on fire.

generation of world changersThey have connected truths like making disciples of all nations and looking after the widow, the orphan, and the poor with changing the world. And when you connect biblical commands for all Christians with a philosophy of world change, being a Christian and being a “world changer” become synonymous. It is not just a hope, it’s a calling and a requirement.world changer There is no doubt that Christ has called us to make disciples of all nations and care for the poor and marginalized. But is being the opposite of a world chaser truly being a world changer? Continue reading